Category: 3D Scanning

  • Wind Tunnel Testing…

    Wind Tunnel Testing…

    End of May I had the exciting opportunity to support Diego Poncelet on a wind tunnel test day in Geneva. Several different helmets, suits, appendices and positions were tested. A total of 66 sessions at 20 seconds each were recorded. We were handed a USB stick containing numerous folders with spreadsheets and two videos per…

  • Tuck analysis

    Tuck analysis

    GaĆ«tan Henry is a french downhill skater and physio therapist. He recently did some very interesting tuck analysis based on my scans of Diego Poncelet and Pete Connolly. Below are some of the animations which were used for the video published on our Instagram profiles. Follow this link, like and comment please. Get in touch…

  • Diego Poncelet

    Diego Poncelet

    Diego Poncelet is the 2022 Downhill Skateboard World Champion. Always looking for improvements on his equipment, we adapted fairings previously designed for Pete Connolly and Azzy Skippings to fit Diego’s Ronin trucks. A few days before Diego was leaving for the final races of the season in South America, we did a full body scan…



    The James Kelly / Martin Siegrist longboard design collaboration project started back in 2019 with the scan of a few of James’ boards and the analysis of their concaves. Designing the concave based on measurements was a little difficult. Instead we used a simple and effective process: the concave was modelled with stacked layers of…

  • So iLL Iron Palm hangboard

    So iLL Iron Palm hangboard

    Jason Kehl’s signature hangboard got a redesign. My task was to blend the individual parts into one object in the correct size. While most of the adaptions were straight forward, the pinches needed some more attention. In the end, Jason shaped one side in foam and air-mailed the master part so I could scan it.…

  • Knots


    3D scanned with my Artec Leo. The AR animation is available on mobile devices. After the shoe scan shown above and my friend complaining about the quality of the shoe laces, I decided to experiment a bit. I had already simulated a simple knot in Rhino / Grasshopper with Kangaroo but that was a round…

  • Damian Andrey

    Damian Andrey

    Damian holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest speed on a streetluge (163.88 km/h). The fusion of this body scan into a watertight, 3D printable model was demanding since the bottom / back side of his body were difficult to capture in the lying position. The Rogers Brothers luge with fairings was scanned separately.…

  • Pete Connolly

    Pete Connolly

    With an impressive speed of 146.73 km/h, Pete holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest speed standing on a downhill skateboard. In search of improvements we developped fairings for his Sabre longboard trucks. Pete spent quite some time in a wind tunnel and eventually got some help from SimScale, a company which offers an…

  • Cheeta Wood Boomerangs

    Cheeta Wood Boomerangs

    The masters were hand shaped by Laurent Laporte and I got to do the scans with my Artec Eva. The result of a scan is usually a dense mesh consisting of a lot of tiny triangles. In order to provide clean surfaces for CNC machining these holds out of solid beech, the meshes were remeshed…

  • Fuse / Bracket

    Fuse / Bracket

    The concave of the Fuse and Bracket longboards were developed by bending a lot of paper. At the time, I was not yet able to simulate the behaviour of thin layers of veneer computationally yet. Once I had the layout of the bends figured out, I transferred it into CAD. At the time, the bends…